C Programming Notes For Beginners (PDF)
C Programming Notes For Beginners (PDF)C Programming Notes For Beginners (PDF)C Programming Notes For Beginners (PDF)
C Programming Notes For Beginners (PDF)
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Why You Should Buy This C Programming Notes?

- Contains Topic From Basic To Advanced

- Easier To Understand

- Beginner Friendly

- Clear Your Doubts

C Programming TOPICS Covered in This Notes ⤵

01 - Introduction | What is C? | History | Features of C | Where is C used? | Some Interesting facts about C | How does C Programming work?

02 - Preprocessor | What is a preprocessor? | What are macros? | Type of preprocessor directives | How #include is used? | How #define is used?

03 - Header files | What are header files? | How to use header files? | Exploring different header files in C

04 - Writing your first program | Printing "Hi" on console | Complete program

05 - Comments | What are Comments? | Use of Comments | Types of Comments | Single line comment | Multiline comment

06 - Variables | What is a variable? | Variable Declaration | Rules for defining variables | Printing variables

07 - Data Types | What is a data type? | Types of data type

08 - IF - else Statements | What is IF - else Statement? | How to write IF - else Statement

09 - Loops Statements | What is a loop Statement? | Types of Loops | For loop | While loop | Do While loop | Differences Between for and while loop | Differences Between while and do-while Loop

10 - Taking Input from User | Why do we need inputs?

11 - Array | What is an Array? | Array declaration | Array initialization | Accessing Array elements

12 - String | What is a String? | String Initialization | Operations on strings

13 - Pointer | What is a Pointer? | Pointer declaration | Use of asterisk (*) and ampersand (&) | Pointers in action

14 - Functions | What is a Function? | Benefits of using a function | How to write a function | Calling a function

15 - Recursion | What is a Recursion? | Writing a Recursion function | Recursion in action | Using Recursion to find the factorial of a number

16 - Scope | What is a Scope? | What do we mean by accessibility? | Types of Scope | Local Scope | Global Scope

17 - Structure | What is a structure? | Writing a structure | Structure in action | Accessing structure data

18 - Union | What is a union? | Writing a union | Accessing union data| Differences between Structure and Union | Similarities between Structure and Union

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